Thursday, June 25, 2009

You Want Thai Massaaaaaaaage?

After the dangerous journey through the jungle, and weaving through Thai rush hour traffic, we met up with Tony, and Tim and decided we were aching for a massage. Now in Thailand, massage's are not hard to find, in fact the girls will grab you and do anything to get you inside.

The hard part in Thailand is finding a legit massage place, with no uhhhh funny business. After consulting with a hotel they told us the only place they could think of was called Let's Relax.

Not the most legit name, but we checked it out, and it seemed nice enough so we booked four thai massages, 1 hour for 500 baht. It was my first real massage, and it was as good as you can imagine. They bent me into shapes that are not natural, and really hurt, but felt so good later. It was funny because they kept making fun of us because we were so out of our element, every time they cracked one of our bones, they had a nice thai giggle.

After the massage we went to the Aussi bar, watched some AFL (like a combination of rugby and football) and called it a night. Tim and Tony caught their boat, so we said our goodbyes, but will hopefully see them in Australia soon!!

Yesterday was our first day at PADI. We went in at 8AM and after a long day of classroom and pool we were pretty tired. So we kept it pretty chill last night.

We went to the movies, which was so great. 140 baht for a premium reserved seat. Like a big lazy boy in the best part of the theater. Before the movie everyone stands to watch a movie of the King and hear the anthem. Being in Thailand really makes you love the King, I feel a big brother kind atmosphere.

Pictures coming when we leave Phuket, the internet is too slow on the island! Also there is no spell check at this terminal, forgive the typos!!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 the pics, you guys look like your having so much fun!
