Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We spent last night in Lan Kwai Fong, and SoHo. Started the night at TiVo, which was a pretty cool restaurant, where it was two for one meals, so we saved some money as well. Then headed down to The Brew House for the end of Happy Hour! We of course got Hoegartens which were served in half litter mugs. It was the biggest beer I have ever held, but don't worry we both finished them, and then another! From there we went to Z-bar to listen to some music. Around 10 we hit up the infamous club Dragon-I and got some nice 12 dollar cocktails. Apparently it was model night as everyone in their was a model from some eastern European country including Kazakhstan, and Estonia.

Most conversations when something like this:

Me:Hi, I'm Joe, where are you from?
Model:(roll eyes) Kazakhstan.
Me:That's pretty far, why are you in Hong Kong?
Model: I am a model
Me:Me too!!
Model: I have to go now

It was actually a lot of fun, and I just kind of laughed it off, and got to dance to some good music. After the model club we went back to the hotel and called it a night.

Woke up this morning and went to one of our favorite restaurants, Pret A Manger! Then we took up the mid-level escalator, to the end, and the walked back down. Then we took the subway to Kowloon! The subway system here is so easy to navigate, and so nice. Also the card is called an Octopus Card, which is way better name than a metro card.

In Kowloon we took a walking tour. We visited the bird market, where lots of old Chinese men sat around with their birds, and played Mah Jong. Next was the flower market, where we could bu banzai trees got so cheap. If only there was a way to transport them back to the states! Next we went to an outdoor market and bargained our way to some good deals.

Jed is ruthless with the bargaining, if someone says 200 Jed says 20, if they say 150 Jed says 20. He always gets a good price though. When I bargain, they say 200, I go 160, they say 190, I say OK! I feel bad for them because they might actually need the money. My trick is if I really want something, I just let Jed bargain it down for me. We ended up getting some great souvenirs, and gifts for everyone back home. I think we are going to need to buy an extra suitcase to carry all the items we have acquired.

It was a long and hot day. Back at the hotel now. Getting ready to go out. It is Canada Day and they are having some huge parties, so maybe we will pretend to be Canadian eh?

Big Happy Birthday Shout Out to Jeremy Bia, who turns 12 today!

1 comment:

  1. Thats the Joe Breed I know, he's able to get shot down by women around the world!
