Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Out and About

So it was our first night out in Bangkok last night and it was quite the experience. We headed to Khao Sarn Road which is basically a hodgepodge of backpackers, locals selling random stuff, and sleazy Tuk Tuk drivers trying to get you to a "ping pong show". But it was amazing! We ended up at this bar and had some cheap beer with a couple of Israeli girls and a couple of guys from Jersey. Yes, we came all the way to Bangkok to meet more people from New Jersey.

After having a couple drinks Joe and I ended up at a ska club called Brick Bar. Here we were basically a novelty because we were literally the only white people out of the 500 people in the packed club. I realized that my dancing skills are somewhat comparable to the Thai locals. Instead of being the goofy guy with two left feet I could just run in place and look like I knew what I was doing. Yesss! After many high fives and cheers from random Thais we were feeling pretty good and we decided to end the night on a high note and get pizza and call it a night.


  1. i taught you everything you know about dancing - and don't you forget it!!! glad to know your numerous dance lessons finally paid off. you can pay me back in rum+diets when you return.
    glad you guys are having fun, but i wish the days were going by faster!!

  2. love the pictures, dudes. keep up the good work and I can't wait to hear about your trip each day.

  3. PS-- I think I see Joe in the dance club.

  4. I can't imagine what Thai pizza tastes like.

  5. Yes Gabby you did teach me well...cough. Many rums and diets on the way, extra rum.

    Ryan, the pizza tastes excellent. Quote from Joe, "Best pizza I ever had." Weird I know.
