Tuesday, June 16, 2009

500 Baht

We made it! The flight from Tokyo was the best flight of all time. The middle seat was empty which allowed me to stretch out. They also served sushi, ice cream, and free alcoholic drinks. And the Japanese flight attendants are just so nice, they are like geisha's who just want to make you happy.

We got to Thailand at like midnight, and went through immigration and picked up our packs with no problem. Our taxi was 500 baht...or like 14 dollars, which is definitely the tourist price, but considering it cost us 2100 Baht to get from Jed's, to JFK, I still think it's a steal.

Staying at the Imm Fusion hotel. It's is decorated in the style of traditional Indian. Jed asked me why we traveled to Thailand to stay in an Indian style hotel. 30 dollars a night for 4 stars! Going to sleep now, pictures are coming tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. it sounds like your smiling - and im pretty sure you're both under strict direction to not even think about smiling.
    jkkk eat losts of pad thai for me!!!!!!
