Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh It's Just Too Hot Today

Our last day in Bangkok was today and I'm glad to say I am sort of Bangkoked out. Not saying that the city isn't great, but once you have seen all the sights and done everything it feels like it is time to move on.

So we woke up today to some crazy cats fighting outside our window at about 6 am, love them. Then tried to fall back asleep until about nine. Joe and I made it to our favorite mall and had some delicious Au Bon Pan and Red Mango. (Just a note: if your wondering why we aren't really eating Thai food around here it's because we realized there are no restaurants besides fast food and 90% of all eating is done at sketchy street vendors that aren't really good.) Then we took the Sky Train over to a tourist boat to ride the Nam Mae Chao River to see some of the last sights Bangkok has to offer. The boat ride was nice and breezy and I kind of wanted to stay on all day. We first made it to the Royal Barge Museum which was pretty cool. Basically, long boats the kings used to ride on decorated in ornate art. The walk there was just as fun. We had to navigate in true Bangkok poverty back alleys. I actually love seeing the real side of where I am and not the fake/glitzy tourism places.

We then took a boat to a Cambodian style Wat (temple) called Wat Arun. It was excellent. You can actually climb it and see the skyline of all of Bangkok. The stairs were so steep I almost fell. Next we went to Wat Pho. It contains the largest Buddha in Bangkok. He was in the laying down position so the building was very long. After this and literally dripping with sweat, we got on our boat then Sky Train and made it back to the hotel to nap before our last night out in Bangkok.


  1. Did you listen the song "one night in bangkok" before you got to the city??

  2. I feel like I'm right there in South East Asia with you guys!
