Monday, May 31, 2010

A Little Karaoke??

After the extreme bike riding tour of Barcelona. Tim and I headed to the beach to wade in the water. It was surprisingly cold. We took in some sun, saw some very large people hard core making out, and headed back to the hostel.

When we got back we all showered up in the tiny showers and heard the hostel was having a karaoke tour. We played some drinking games and headed to the Karaoke bar with about 8 people from the Hostel. When we finally got to the bar it was packed with tourists but we luckily found a table. The beers were really cheap which is always good. Overall it was a great time and with the social lubricant heavily flowing Joe and Ryan sang a song in front of the whole bar! The deut was beautiful!! We hung out there for quite some time and headed back where we all passed out.

Today (Monday) we all woke up around 11 and headed out at Noon with a friend from Brazil. I had a lost wallet scare before we left but found it... in my shoe? After yet another Jamon et Queso we rode our bikes to the biggest attraction in Barcelona the La Sagrada Familia. Tim and I did the full audio tour and really took in the Cathedral. It was huge and so detailed that it made sense why its taking over 130 years to build. I went up to the top of one of the towers and almost dropped my camera while holding over the edge to get a pic.

Tim and I headed back to the hostel to meet the rest of our group and we got some food then decided on going to the Picaso Mueseum. Unfortuently we got seperated and never made it. Now were back in the Hostel excited to get some Topless tonight. Oh wait I mean Tapas....(inside joke)

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