Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tapas Tapas Tapas!

Yesterday we left the hostel in Barcelona at 6:45 in the morning (painfully early in Barcelona - where it is not uncommon to stay out until 6AM) and went to the airport to fly to Granada. Granada is a small city with the Mediterranean Sea to the south and the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the north. The mountains provide beautiful scenery. Yesterday was 95 degrees in the city, but the peakes of the mountains were still covered in snow!

Yesterday we went on a self walking tour from our guidebook, then went on a bus tour. We saw some very interesting landmarks, including some buildings built in the 13 century, and a statue in the city square commemorating when Columbus presented Queen Isabella with maps of the new world.

One interesting note about Granada, is that most of the shops close from around 1 to 4pm. This is the traditional siesta time, but some people eat or exercise or just relax. After experiencing the blistering sun during this period yesterday, I am not surprised!

Granada is famous for its tapas. Tapas are provided for free at bars and restaurants when drinks are ordered. Last night we went tapas hopping, going bar to bar and ordering beer or sangria and feasting on the tapas. The tapas are delicious, better than most meals I am accustomed to paying for in the states.

Later today we are going to Alhambra. It is a big fortress on the top of a mountain, and the second most visited attraction in Spain.

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