Friday, June 4, 2010

The Alhambra

Greetings from Seville! We are a few days behind but don´t worry we can catch you up quick!

After our wonderful night of Tapas, spent much of the next day resting and getting ready for our big trip up the the Alhambra. We had tickets to see the Palace at 5:30 but since there are so many other things to see, we got there around 3, and started exploring!

The Alhambra is like nothing any of us had ever seen before. It´s a complete city enclosed by huge reddish walls, on the top of a mountain, overlooking Granada. The views are breath taking, and the history of the place is so interesting. It was built in the 12th century as a Palace for the Moorish kings, but was taken over my the Spanish Catholic Monarchs in the 15th century. We were able to walk the walls, go into the alcazaba, climb the guard towers, and hear stories about it. We all did the audio guide, and although it was a bit cheesy, it was a lot better than just walking around by ourselves. It was built directly in line with a river flowing down from the mountains, so it had flowing water everywhere, and was really pretty. From the highest point of the tower we took some great pictures, and were able to see down into our Hostel!

After we left the Alhambra, we went back to the hostel...and in typical hostel fashion we went out with about 15 other travellers to get more Tapas! We went to a few bars, but quickly got full. Every time we ordered a drink we had to be like no tapas, and the bartender would look at us like we were crazy! After the tapas bars, we went to a club that was in a converted movie theater. It was a pretty good time. The cheapest thing they had on the menu was Jagger obviously all we drank was Jagger shots. Everyone had an awesome night!

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