Saturday, June 5, 2010

Seville - Day 2

Yesterday was our second day in Seville. I woke up earlier than the rest of the crew and visited the pride of Seville: the cathedral. The Cathedral of Seville is the third largest gothic cathedral in the world. The scale is unbelievable. The cathedral itself took over 100 years to construct. The cathedral contains 80 chapels, all of which contain amazing detail. Other notable sites inside the cathedral include the tomb of Christopher Columbus, the tombs of many Spanish archbishops, a treasure room, an orange tree field, and La Giralda. A mosque originally occupied the site of the cathedral, and the minaret (La Giralda) is all that remains from the original structure.

In the afternoon we went on a walking tour of Seville sponsored by our hostel. Our guide told us a lot of interesting stories about the history of the city. All of the streets have a lot of history behind them.

At night we feasted on paella and sangria on the roof of our hostel. The chef of the night was Dario, a guide at the hostel. After dinner, we went out on a pub crawl with some others from our hostel and a neighboring hostel.

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