Monday, May 31, 2010

Biking Barcelona

Another excellent day in Barcelona. Like we had planed we decided to rent some bicycles and see the city on bike. We rented them from a place near the hostel, for 19E for two days, not too bad considering we save on the metro and taxis.

We started by visiting Park Guell, which is the park Gaudi designed. Getting there was easy enough, except it was entirely uphill, and so hot. The park itself was really pretty, like all the other Gaudi architecture we saw. It was made to look like natural things, so everything reminded me of giant seashells, and columns designed to look like pineapples. I'm am kind of getting enough of Gaudi, it reminds me of when I was in Kyoto, and we saw like 15 temples, but they were all pretty similar. Still have to see the Cathedral though.

From Guell park we rode to the coast, which was nice and completely downhill. We saw where they had some of the Olympics, and the famous "Golden Fish". We then rode the boardwalk next to the beach, and just kept going until it ended. All and all we probably biked around 10 miles!

Went back to the Hostel, and showered up. Which is an experience in this hostel because the showers are in like the middle, and you have to walk about 40 feet from the shower to your room, Of course as I was walking back, dripping wet, a group of four Asian girls were checking in, so I had to be like excuse meee. Probably made their night though!

Pictures to come soon, these computers are so old!

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