Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Beach!

Once we got back to the Hostel we met up with our two friends from breakfast, and went out to dinner. It was a blast, and we got to eat right on the street, and do some people watching. Everyone sitting around us wanted to practice their english, so we helped them out. When I told people I was from Boston, they asked me if I knew any celtics, and I of course told them, I knew all of them.

From the resturant we went to the Super Marcado to pick up some much needed beer and headed back to the Hostel where we met up with even more people and started playing some drinking games. We taught them our version of Kings, but they taught us one I really liked called Horse Racing. Needless to say we finished all of our beer, in near record time, and head out for the night.

We went to this area of Barcelona called, The Beach, which is right on the beach. It's basiclly like a strip mall, but instead of stores, it's full of bars, and clubs. We went to at least 6 of them, and everyone was different. The music was decent, way too much regaton, but we're in Spain so what can you expcect. Many beers were drunk, and lots of fun was had. We stayed out until 530, and then crashed at the Hostel. Thankfully we were with all of the people staying in our dorm, so no one was woken up.

We're all up now, planning out the day. It's looking like a biking tour of Barcelona to the Gaudi park!

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