Monday, May 24, 2010

The Lost Breeds Set Off Again

Hello Friends, and random visitors!

It's been over 10 months since the last time either of us updated this blog. And that can only mean that we are setting off again, on another adventure to an exotic destination.

The Breed Brothers are heading for an 11 day stay in Spain! We are leaving on the 26th, and coming back on the 7th. We will be visiting Barcelona, Granada, and Seville. With a small layover in Madrid. Also two of our best friends, Ryan, and Tim will be coming along with us.

So hopefully you will follow along, as we update this daily. Questions will be answered (what exactly is Tapas?), hearts will be broken (mostly ours), rooms will be shared (by up to 12 strangers in army barrack style hostels), and bulls will be fought (by professional matadors).

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