Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our last stop... Tokyo!!

That first night out in Kyoto ended up being a lot of fun for a Monday. We found a pub style bar and had some shitty cheeseburgers. We met a European couple from Switzerland/Scotland. They had been on the road for over 4 months and had 3 to go. I know in America 5 weeks sounds like a lot but every single person especially from Europe are doing crazy amounts of time abroad. They def know how to do it over there, but I would be homesick. We went to a few bars and had some amazing Sake. I love that stuff when cold. We called it a night around 4 am and went back to the hotel.

The next day, our last in Kyoto, Joe and I headed to one of the most famous temples in Kyoto, The Golden Temple. After a sweaty ride on our bicycles we found the temple and it was very beautiful. It's covered in gold leaf and surrounded by a serene pond and garden. We chilled there for a while, found an onsen, and headed back to the hotel. Since it was the first night of one of Japans biggest festivals we got ready early. During Gion Matsuri they block off a bunch of streets and everyone in the city walks around and eats street food while looking at the floats. Joe and I actually weren't huge fans. Basically it was mobbed everywhere to the point you couldn't walk. The floats were cool for about 5 minutes. They all look alike and play a strange two note song all night. We stayed for a couple hours then headed to the bar district. Unfortunately, no one was there because of the festival so we called it a night early.

The next day (today) we woke up around 11 and easily caught our bullet train to Tokyo. The travel day was so easy. Just three hours and we made it. I lost my ticket when I got on the train and somehow my luck flipped and the conductor found it on the ground like 15 seat back. I had a heart attack looking for it.

We decided to take a Taxi to our hotel which came out to be 35 dollars for a 3 mile ride. Yes, worse than NY prices. The hotel nice but the room is tiny. We were spoiled by our last 3 hotels but we still like it. Joe and I got some McDonalds and walked around Shinjuku which is the district we are staying at. It is really crazy here and so confusing. No one speaks a word of English. We tried to find a movie theatre to see the new HP but to no avail it's sold out everywhere. The people in Tokyo are quite a sight. The girls especially. Basically its accepted here for 24 year old girls to play arcade games all day, love Dragon Ball Z, have dolls of Gizmo from gremlins, and get so into the claw grabber game that winning a prize is worthy of a celebration comparable to getting proposed to. My kind of lady. We played some weird but surprisingly fun gambling game with coins for two hours. Now back in the hotel deciding what to do now.

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