Sunday, July 12, 2009

Goodbye Beijing, Hello Kyoto

So after the Scorpion fiasco we hung out at the hotel, and got ready for our last night in Beijing. We decided we were going to make the most of it and just not go to bed since our flight left so early the next morning. After a little pregaming we headed to workers stadium where we heard there we some hopping clubs. After seeing the covers and absolutely no foreigners we decided we would go with what we knew and headed to Sanlitun. The bars were packed this night since it was Friday. We met some really nice Chinese girls and hung out with them most of the night. The bars actually played good music instead of the garbage they play in American bars so Joe and I were actually dancing. The alcohol may have had something to do with that but who knows. We stayed out until about 5:30 and decided to go to the hotel.

I'm definitely going to miss Beijing. Besides the pollution it really was a nice city that was good to foreigners. All the sites were excellent and I completely recommend it. There is a sense that it is red but its not overwhelming. It sucked not having facebook, twitter, or blogspot but we managed.

We got back to the hotel passed out for about a half hour and somehow managed to make it out. The cab ride was brutal due to being hungover. We got to the airport, had some starbucks, and just made our flight to Seoul. Two hours later we arrived in Seoul, South Korea and got really lost finding our transfer. We just barely made it to our flight, two hours later we made it to Osaka, Japan. Then a 75 minute train ride and a lot of walking we made it to Kyoto. Found a Geijien friendly cab and made it to our hotel. Hardest day of traveling ever! Staying out the entire night before was not a good idea! Our hotel is nice and the staff is extremely friendly. We passed out at about 7pm and slept till about 11:30 this morning. A very good sleep.

We found a McDonalds and walked around Kyoto. It's a really clean beautiful city. Seeing the sky for the first time in a week felt so good. Joe and I headed to the Kyoto Imprial park and watched some Japanese play some sports. We followed a map to the Heian Jingu Shrine. Which basically is an amazing garden. We walked through and took in the serene sights. There was a really nice bridge over a lake where we watched people feed the coy and turtles. We walked around a little more and now back at the hotel.

Dewa mata


  1. Dewa mata ?

    glad you guys made it to Japan safe + sound, bring me back some shrimp tempura!!!
