Thursday, July 2, 2009

City of Dreams

Last night was our first really clear night in Hong Kong, so after a quick dinner, we decided to take the tram to the top of Victoria Peak. The tram itself is really cool, especially because it is really old, and the angle it goes up make it feel more like a roller coaster, and less of a tram. We got to the top after about 20 minutes, and rushed up 10 escalators through a fancy mall to finally get to the sky view terrace.

Looking down on the city, I was dumbstruck. It was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful views I have ever seen. It is one thing to be in Hong Kong walking the streets, and another thing entirely to look out it from above. Jed especially liked the "The Dark Knight" building, you know the one where Batman kidnaps the Chinese business man. I hope the pictures give you an idea of what is looked like.

Woke up this morning to try to make breakfast, but it didn't happen. So we got up at 10:30 and got ready to go to Macau! The ferry ride took an hour, and it was very comfortable. As soon as you get to Macau, there are just tons of Casinos who all want you to come to theirs. We skiped out on the sightseeing (heard it's nothing to write home about), and headed straight to the Venetian Macau. The casino was fun, and after a while we switched it up and went to City of Dream. It was more fun, and we were like the only white people on the floor. Someone even ran up to us and asked if he could take a picture with us. He must be a fan of The Lost Breeds. So fun day in Macau, lost some money, but had a blast while doing it!

Don't know what is up for tonight, or tomorrow. I want to hit up the Jade market, and buy some trinkets! We are all booked for our flight to Beijing on Saturday.


  1. jade market? for moi?!! hahaha

    imitation jade will suffice - i'll never know the difference

  2. ps the first pic is the cutest pic of you two ever. well right up there with the baby pics

  3. That is a great pic! It made me miss you more.
