Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In Transit

Hello from Tokyo!!! So we made the trek out to JFK with no difficulty at all. Had some McGriddles and got on our flight leaving at 11 AM on Monday. I think I saw Dave Navarro in the terminal but it could have been some random guy.

So the first flight..over 13 hours to get to Tokyo. It wasn't too bad because I had Paul Blart Mall Cop and Bride wars to keep me company. Our next flight leaves for Bangkok in a couple hours. Can't wait to finally get there.

*We will continue to try to at least do one post per day. If there isn't one up you have permission to yell at us via comments.


  1. Bride Wars.....??? really Bride Wars thats the first movie you put on ur new iPod

  2. Are there any places to rent DVDs? I am curious.

  3. Bride Wars is the shit! Many explosions and rap music.
